

This Day In Gay Utah History May 25th

25 May
Thomas Taylor
1888 Southern Utonian Court Minutes page 8 People vs Thomas Taylor sodomy, case in progress. Thomas Taylor was a Mormon Bishop accused of Sodomy in an attempt to acquire his financial business interests. He was accused of having sexual relations with several young men. 

1913-Colonel Alfred Redl, former chief of Austrian counterintelligence, committed suicide 
Alfred Redl
when it became known that he had been blackmailed, on account of his homosexuality, into working for Russia for the previous year. Later in the century the Redl affair would be cited by U.S. senators as evidence of the security risk homosexuals pose.

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1969 "Midnight Cowboy" was released with an X rating. It would go on to win the Best Picture of the Year for 1969 and the only academy award winner to be rated X.  Midnight Cowboy takes place at the tail end of the 1960’s as a young Texan has dreams of making a living in New York City as a gigolo.  He meets a shady hustler with who he develops his only intimate relationship.  The "He Quit Me" was also on the soundtrack. Some modern critics assume an unstated homosexual relationship between the main characters. At the 78th Academy Awards host, Jon Stewart, joked about Brokeback Mountain being an Oscar contender despite its subject matter, saying "It's been more than 35 years when people would watch Midnight Cowboy and say 'What the hell was that all about?' Well, now we have fully accepted this new genre of cinema: gay westerns!" Everybody's Talkin' About Gay Cowboys When Brokeback Mountain won the Golden Globe for best motion picture drama of 2005, solidifying its lead in the race for Oscar glory, Dave Germain of the Associated Press informed his readers that the Academy "has never given the best picture Oscar to a gay-themed film."  Actually, they have, and it, too, involved a cowboy of sorts. Based on a novel by James Leo Herlihy, Midnight Cowboy won the Oscar as best picture of 1969. Though the relationship between its lead characters, seedy Rico "Ratzo" Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman) and naive aspiring gigolo Joe Buck (Jon Voight), is not obviously sexual, the film is a tour of a pre-Stonewall Big Apple when the influence of Andy Warhol and his infamous Factory was at its height, and homosexuality was inching its way out of the shadows but still a source of shame. There’s shame, too, in the Wyoming of 1963 in which Brokeback Mountain is set. The same-sex lovers played by Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal must also hide their desires. Bottom line," Ledger’s Ennis Del Mar tells Gyllenhaal’s Jack, "we’re around each other and this thing grabs hold of us again at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and we’re dead." But Ennis and Jack share a passion fueled by genuine affection. If not for the homosexual’s non-existent status in American society at the time, one can see them settling down to enjoy what Jack calls "a good life together" with "a place of our own." The homosexuals in Midnight Cowboy express no such hope. Even the oddball misfits played by Hoffman and Voight, who share an apartment in a condemned building, regard them with contempt and even fear. "That’s faggot stuff," Rico says of Joe’s macho cowboy act. "John Wayne!" Joe shouts. "Are you tryin’ to tell me he’s a fag?" But Joe has little luck marketing his wares to women. He strikes out in bed with his one female client until she insinuates that he’s gay. The resulting encounter is fueled more by rage than desire. Joe is much more successful at attracting men. The several homosexual encounters in Midnight Cowboy are desperate clandestine episodes. There’s some frantic groping in a movie theater balcony, and a hotel room encounter in which Joe subjects his elderly trick to a severe beating. Like Brokeback Mountain, Midnight Cowboy subverts the image of the cowboy as the straightest of all shooters, suggesting that some of these strong, silent types were tight-lipped for fear of expressing their feel ings for each other. All those men with their phallic guns sharing a bunkhouse in a world without women certainly smacks of something other than heterosexuality.

1969- Police Chief Dewey J. Fillis of Salt Lake City called for a major crack down on prostitution in Salt Lake City. Sgt. Bill Simpson directed the operation to arrest men soliciting sex for hire. (05/25/69 SLTribune page 4B)

Sugar House Park
1969  HECTIC DAY IN SUGAR HOUSE PARK-Police arrested six other persons in Sugar House Park about 6 p.m. and locked the park gates after an arrest on one man and his subsequent 2 escapes, drew a crowd of several hundred persons.  The incident began when Officer N.C. Thompson spotted a damaged car in the park without a damage release sticker on it.  He stopped the driver and arrested him when he found suspected marijuana inside the vehicle.  The 19 year old man “became quite violent,” said officer Gene Young.  His has were handcuffed behind him and he was placed in the back seat of the police car.  The suspect fled out the opposite door of the car only to be apprehended again.  At this point the arrested man’s brother 22, tried to intervene and a crowd, average age 19, said Officer Young, began to gather.  The crowd shouted such remarks as “turn him loose”, and “everybody smokes pot,

“ said Lt. Gary Parke.  In the confusion, the 19 year old again bolted from the back seat of the police car. Reserve Officer George W. Ranson gave chase but was tackled from behind by the suspects brother.  The brother was arrested for interfering with a police officer. The 19 year old still handcuffed, darted across the park and leaped onto a motorcycle.  Its driver headed the vehicle across the grass toward 13th East.  Two detectives finally cornered the motorcycle at 7th East and Browning Ave. (1401 South).  The cyclist was arrested for aiding and abetting an escape.  The crowd which had parted to allow the escapee to pass through was ordered to disperse.  When it failed to do so, Officer Young ordered the park gates closed and the lawn sprinklers turned on to break up the group.  Formal complaints had not been signed Sunday Night against the 19 year old who was booked in City-County jail for possession of Marijuana or for the 22 year old cyclist arrested for aiding and abetting an escape.  They were still in jail late Sunday night.  The brother, arrested for interfering with a police officer was released on $50 bail and 3 or 4 men charged with failure to disperse are out of jail on $100 bail each.  (05/26/69 SLTribune Page 30)

Rotary Park
1975 Over Memorial Day weekend The Gay Community Service Center sponsored Utah’s first Gay Pride Festival called “Gay Freedom Day.” The celebration was held at City Creek Canyon Rotary Park with, “better than 400 people in attendance”.  The name of the new Gay newsletter was announced, “The Gayzette.” The legendary potato salad food fight occurred at the park after the keggers ran dry. In Utah, Pride Days were held generally earlier or later than West Coast Celebrations so Utahns could attend either San Francisco’s Pride Day Parade or Los Angeles’ Christopher Street West Liberation Day Parades. Joe Redburn however brought Disco Diva, Gloria Gaynor to the Sun Tavern on June 18th in celebration of Gay Pride 1975. Later that summer on July 24, 1975 The Gay Community Service Center held a Gays of ’47 and Pioneer Picnic at the Maple Cove Campground in Mill Creek Canyon. 
     1977-Everard Baths in New York City was destroyed by fire. Nine people died, and seven were critically injured.

    1977-The San Francisco school board voted 7-0 to include information on homosexuality in the San Francisco Public Schools sex education programs.

    1977 Salt Lake agreed Tuesday to stop arresting employees at the X-rated Studio Theater, 228 So. State Street until question of whether it has a valid business license is resolved in Court. James B. Medlin, 46, of 1623 Blaine Avenue was a patron of the theater who refused to show officers identification.  The vice officers were asking every patron for identification so they could be field carded for future reference. Medlin was ordered to stand trial June 13 after pleading innocent to charges of concealing identification, resisting arrest, and interfering with police. (05/25/77 page D1 SLTribune) The Studio was once known as the State Street Theater at least by 1958. The State theater was located at 228 South State Street in Salt Lake City, Utah. It opened about 1928. In 1949 the theater was operated by Joseph L. Lawrence and David K. Edwards, who also operated the Uptown, Rialto, and who built the Villa Theatre. In 1958, the license of the State was suspended for 60 days because of a "complaint or charge as made by Chief of Police W. Cleon Skousen". In 1965 the theater was called the "Esquire Theater" until 1975 when it became the Studio Theater. The theater was shut down in 1986 and was Utah's last porno theater. 

    1978-15,000 attended "Gay Night" at Disneyland, a fundraiser for the Los Angeles Gay Community Services Center. It was the largest private party Disneyland had ever hosted. When Disney realized it was a gay organization, they cancelled live music, closed the dance floors, and instructed security that “courtesy was optional.”
    William L Hutchinson
    1978- A second charge against Salt Lake County Commissioner William L. Hutchison was dismissed today due  to lack of insufficient evidence. The motion to dismiss the charge of sexual activity with a minor was made by deputy county attorney Olaf Johannson and was accepted by the defense and Judge John Farr Larson of the 2nd Juvenile Court.  Hutchinson was found innocent Saturday to contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The acquittal followed a four day jury trial. The commissioner still has one charge of sodomy pending against him. The prosecution today asked the court permission to amend the sodomy  complaint in order to change specific dates in the complaint [Deseret News by Joe Costanzo] Salt Lake County Commission William L. Hutchinson was accused of seducing young men.  Salt Lake County Commissioner William L. Hutchinson was involved in behavior called "improper for an official" when he failed to fully report campaign contributions and reportedly exhibited conflicts of interest. He also took flak and faced charges for allegedly harboring a runaway juvenile, which were later dismissed. On top of that, in 1978 Hutchinson endured charges of homosexual activity with a minor, a trial that ended in a hung jury. He ran for re-election but lost and reportedly left office with ambivalence. Sept 5 2004 Deseret News. He died 2016 age 94. 

    1980 Emperor IV Joe Conti and Empress IV Dusty LeManns hosted their step down ceremonies at the Salt Palace. Note: The incredible canvas backdrop was painted by Bob Elton. Theme was Coronation IV "Star Voyage" Candidates for Emperor were Crazy Pete and, Bob Elton Empress Candidates were Francine, Mary Lynn, Viva, and Jonie Lynn.  Crazy Pete and Jonie Lynn were winners and crowned Emperor and Empress V.  This was the first Coronation after the Imperial Court was
    John Peterson & Gordon Winklekotter
    disbanded and replaced by the Royal Court. 

    1983-President Reagan fired three members of the US Civil Rights Commission and replaced them with members who had a history of opposing Gay rights.

    1984- Lewis Cromer, Attorney for Pam Parsons former coach of Lady Gamecocks described her to the jury as “a little Mormon girl from Utah”  while dismissing the testimony of Babs DeLay “an av
    Pam Parson
     owed lesbian from Salt Lake City” who testified that “Ms Parson and player Tina Buck were lovers” as “incredible”  “This is a lady [De Lay] who does not believe in Jesus Christ,” Cromer said. [Wilmington Morning Star D-4]

    1986-Sunday Elder Tony Feliz announced his revelation to establish
    Tony Feliz
     a Quorum of Priesthood holders to guide the church. First Restoration Church’s Prayer Circle held in Salt Lake City. Church location moved from Crossroads Urban Center to the Northwest Multipurpose Community Center near the State Fairgrounds. In attendance at Sacrament Meeting were Bob McIntier, Tony Feliz, John Crane, David Ewing, Erick Strickler, Gordon Jones, Jon Butler, Ric Belnap, and Ben Williams.(10)

    Robb Bullock
    1986 The 11th Coronation was held with Scott Stites and Mother
    Clariss Cartier
     Bob stepping down. The New elected leaders were The Pegasus Emperor, Emperor XI Robb Bullock and The Quartz Crystal Empress, Empress XI Clariss Cartier. Prince Royale XI was Bob Edwards and Princess Royale XI was Tasha Montiel. As time progressed the R.C.G.S.E began to evolve into an organization of power and stamina.  The 11th reign worked on the relationships within the city.  Clariss and the late Robb Bullock  were part of the very first Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah and the first Monarchs to meet with a Mayor of Salt Lake City, then Palmer DePaulis.  Clariss was responsible for creating the Mr. & Miss Golden Spike Universe Pageant, and has served as President of the Board numerous times since her reign. She received a Pride Day Kristen Ries Community Award one of the highest honors bestowed in the Gay community of Utah Royal Court of the Golden Spike Empire held Coronation X at the Salt Palace. Theme was Around the World In 80 Days. (63) Tickets were $16.00. (10) Nearly 1,000 people attended.  Outgoing Emperor Scott Stites X announced revisions to allow monarchs of previous years to seek reelection under special circumstances. He also called for an annual AIDS Awareness Week to be held each October for raising funds and spreading information about the deadly illness.  Empress X Mother Bob announced that henceforth one dollar of each coronation ticket sold would go to the charity of the reigning monarch’s choice. This year the money was given to AIDS Project Utah. Robb Bullock was elected Emperor XI and Clariss Cartier was elected Empress XI. Prince Royale XI was  Bob Edwards and Princess Royale XI was Tasha Montiel. The Tenth Reigns Coronation colors were Pink, Teal, Blue, and Gold and their logo was a Hot Air Balloon

    25 May 1986 $117,286 GRANT AWARDED to COMBAT AIDS in UTAH (SLTribune B6-5)

    Funding was an ongoing concern for both APU and SLAF as that no financial help was forth coming from the state. The Utah’s Health Department had received a grant of $117,286 from the Center For Disease Control to develop programs aimed at preventing the spread of AIDS. However Dr. Craig Nichols, the state epidemiologist, refused to print safe sex guides lines. He stated, “We will probably cover every area except the Safer Sex area… Most of the material that have been produced are too graphic for a state health department publication”. Dr. Nichols felt that explicit discussion of the risks of AIDS from sex must come from the Gay community itself, “I don’t feel like we bear the total responsibility
    Patty Reagan
     . And so we’ll do things we know we can do and are acceptable. And other groups will have to fill in where they think there’s a deficit.” D
    r. Patty Reagan of the Salt Lake AIDS Foundation argued with Nichols about the lack of funding. She reported to him “how badly we needed the help because the Gay community was working so hard to help itself.” She was told by Dr. Nicholas,” If the Gay Community can help itself, I don’t see why the state health department should be doing anything else.”

    25 May 1988 - I took time off this evening to go to the Youth Group at
    Palmer De Paulis
     Westminster College to hear Mayor Palmer De Paulis address them.  It was a fairly good turn out with perhaps 60 people or more. I was extremely pleased that the mayor would speak to a Gay youth organization. I later asked the mayor whether he was still coming to Gay Pride Day and he said he was and I also informed him about the Mountain and Desert States Conference coming to Salt Lake City next year and asked whether he would be willing to speak. He said if his schedule permits he would consider it and to make an appointment with his secretary Diane Lopez.  This is the first time I’ve been to a youth group function and I see some serious flaws. Chris Brown and Gary Boren of LGSU and I talked for hours about our concerns about the group.

    David Sharpton
    1989 David Sharpton and I talked for about 1/2 hour on the phone. He's lonely and sexually frustrated being so prominently identified with having AIDS. People with AIDS can still have sex. It's just "on" you instead of "in" you. He's burning out and a little depressed. I think he just needed someone to talk to. He's busy with his People With AIDS retreat at Camp Rogers. [Journal of ben Williams]

    1990 Peggy Tingey, sister of Becky Moss  was diagnosed as being HIV-positive

    1994 KILLER OF SOUTH S.L. MAN FACES TESTING By Brian West, Staff Writer David Nelson Thacker, who shot and killed a South Salt Lake man while the man's hands were in his pockets, was sent to the Utah State Prison Tuesday. Third District Judge David Young ordered a 90-day diagnostic evaluation to help him better determine how much additional time Thacker should
    David Thacker

    spend behind bars. Thacker pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter in the shooting death of Douglas Koehler in a Park West parking lot last summer. "I will tell you Mr. Thacker, I believe that one who takes the life of another, should not serve less than one year," the judge said. Thacker was ordered to return Aug. 15 for final sentencing. Manslaughter carries a maximum penalty of one to 15 years in prison. Summit County Attorney Robert Adkins asked the judge to impose the maximum sentence, with a five year fire arms enhancement. He described the shooting as a possible hate crime and said he didn't believe the diagnostic evaluation would do any good. Thacker and co-defendant Clint Crane met Koehler at a Park West bar and the three drank alcohol and used cocaine that evening. Thacker told a bartender that Koehler was "as queer as a three dollar bill" and asked if he let people like that in the bar, Adkins said. Yet Thacker invited Koehler back to his Park City condominium. Adkins said Thacker claims he fell asleep and woke up to find Koehler performing a sex act. But the prosecutor said that is highly unlikely considering Thacker's previous statements. Crane
    Douglas Koehler
    testified that Thacker told him Koehler tried to kiss him, then kicked him out of their condominium. Thacker showered and after several minutes grabbed a gun and decided to go after Koehler. Thacker and Crane drove about four miles to Park West, where they found Koehler. Thacker called the victim over to his truck and then shot him once in the head. "Both hands were in his pockets, certainly not in a threatening posture to the defendant," Adkins said. " should make no difference, this person was killed because Mr. Thacker doesn't happen to like that lifestyle, or is attracted to that lifestyle." "He (Koehler) was stalked . . . they had to pursue him several miles and then shot him in the head." Adkins said Thacker told police Crane brought Koehler and said it was Crane's idea to go after Koehler. Thacker also said the gun went off accidentally. "He's not taking responsibility for this killing," he said. "He simply wants to blame others. "But defense attorney Ron Yengich strongly disputed Adkins' statement. "Mr. Thacker didn't and doesn't blame anybody but himself for what happened," Yengich said. He added that his client is fully prepared to serve time for the shooting. "It was the stupidest thing I've ever done," Thacker told the judge. "It wasn't because he was gay or anything like that." Thacker said he would never have b
    een able to find Koehler himself that night because he was so drunk."The next thing I knew, I pulled the trigger," he said. Young said in his eight years as a judge he doesn't remember receiving such a strong outpouring of support for a defendant, as he has in this case. He said he received 49 letters in support of Thacker. The judge said he received 16 letters in opposition to Thacker and told those in the courtroom many of the letters were critical of the plea agreement and accused prosecutors of being afraid to try the case. But Young said he believes the plea bargain was beneficial to both sides." Candidly, there are problems with the facts in this case on each side," Young said. © 1998 Deseret News Publishing Co

    1994 -  Wop is the second Lesbian Emperor. Marci is known far and wide as one of Salt Lake City's most exciting and energetic performers.  Marci also created, by proclamation, 
    the "Excellence of the Spike" award which is presented to and individual chosen by the reigning monarchs, who has shown extraordinary support to each reign yearly at coronation.  Marci was a passionate and emotional empress at times.  She often broke into tears in her many dramatic and poignant performances. [Princess Chyna Cartier aka Derek Lee Salas involved in a cocaine drug deal and fire bombed the wrong house in a drug deal gone bad. She served time in Prison at the Point of the Mountain.]

    1995 The 19th Coronation of the Royal Court of the Golden Spike
    Peter Christie
    Sheneka Christie
    Empire was held with Wop and Marcy Malloy stepping down. The new Officers elected were The Double Diamond Stud Emperor, Emperor XX Peter Christie and The Only Serene Black Diamond African Empress, Empress XX Sheneka Christie. Prince Royale XX was  Jeff Kosewski and Princess Royale XX was  Veronika. Peter and Sheneka were the third pair of Monarchs to serve previously together as PR's, and as the first Prince and Princess to be elected by the community in the General Election.  By Proclamations, Sheneka created the State Crown which is to be worn at all official state functions.  The crown consists of Golden Spikes set in a band which commemorates the founding year of our court.  Peter created the Drive of the Spike scholarship fund dedicated to empowering our community through education.  Sheneka remains an active performer in the Salt Lake Community. Sheneka along with Alan Anderson, Emperor 8, became the first monarchs to step into the Regent role as a result of there being no candidates for Emperor and Empress for the 32nd reign. At victory brunch, after stepping down, Peter was named as Heir Apparent to the founder of the International Court System, The Widow Norton, Jose I. 

    1995 The Salt Lake Tribune Letter: On Oscar Wilde's Death One hundred years ago, at a little before 6 p.m. London time, on May 25, 1895, Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was found guilty of indecency and sodomy and sentenced to two years at hard labor in Reading Gaol. Thus was the career of Victorian England's most brilliant light effectively extinguished. Wilde died in ignominy five years later. What England did then in 1895, 22 states including Utah would still be willing to do today. More than 40 states including Utah deem it proper to deny basic civil rights to those whose love "dare not speak its name." Gay-bashing, both physical and verbal, has become epidemic and shows no signs of abating. The 1890s are still very much with us. "I never travel without my diary," Wilde wrote in "The Importance of Being Earnest" shortly before his imprisonment. "One should always have something sensational to read in the train." Wilde's sensational life is ample proof not only of the human spirit, but of the dignity that some of us can muster in the face of near universal disapproval, perhaps his greatest legacy. DAVID NELSON Salt Lake City

    1997 The 22nd Coronation of the Royal Court was held with Adam Gantz and Tasha Montiel stepping down. New elected officers were The Kaleidoscopic Gemini Emperor , Emperor XXII Jeff Kosewski and The Hope Diamond Empress, Empress  XXII Yvette Malloy. Prince Royale XXII was Franke Holt and Princess Royale XXII was Makayla. By power of Proclamations, Jeff's requires that candidates running for office hold at least one function during the year prior to their running in order to gain more experience as well as raising additional funds.  He also set things up so that the Golden Spike Awards are hosted by the Anniversary Monarchs.  For example Emperor and Empress 23 will host the 23rd annual awards during reign 26.  Yvette's requires that monarchs and PR's do not receive their numbers till they step down, and that one outstanding board member and two outstanding court members be recognized when the other Emperor and Empress awards are given out.  This recognition has been long due to countless individuals who contribute so much of our courts success.  Jeff's strong business skills and Yvette's great people skills made them a very strong team.

    1998- Kim Russo and Toni  Fitzgerald became Prince and Princess Royale XXIII at Victory Brunch at the Trapp. Toni known as the Golden Hearted Princess. 

    25 May 2000 The Salt Lake Tribune Page: B1After 5-Year Struggle, East High School Club Discusses Gay Issues BY HEATHER MAY   THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE The forum, a Salt Lake City classroom. The participants, high school students. The topic, same-sex marriage. Five years after the contentious debate over Gay-lesbian-straight school clubs began in UtahEast High School students met Wednesday in the state's first school-sponsored club organized to discuss current events from a Gay and lesbian perspective. The PRISM Club -- People Respecting Important Social Movements -- meeting featured Laura Gray, a Salt Lake City attorney involved in Gay-rights issues. About 45 students attended. In accordance with Salt Lake City School District policy, the discussion had to relate to sociology or history classes and was held after school. After the meeting, students said they talked about the historical, legal and religious significance of marriage and the current restrictions barring Gays and lesbians from forming such unions. The district barred news media from the meeting, claiming it was for students only. However, district personnel attended, along with an attorney for the Utah chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU is representing East High juniors Jessi Cohen and Margaret Hinckley, who in April filed a federal civil-rights lawsuit claiming the district violated their First Amendment rights to free speech by rejecting PRISM as an academic club. The district banned all nonacademic clubs in 1996, a year after East High students tried to form a Gay and lesbian support group. But U.S. District Judge Tena Campbell issued an injunction against the district last month, forcing it to temporarily acknowledge PRISM as a legitimate club pending the outcome of the students' lawsuit.    Wednesday's meeting is "definitely a win," said East High senior Ivy Fox, who unsuccessfully sued the district in 1998 over the ban. "It's such a good feeling to see all your hard work pay off." Sophomore Evan Done attended the club meeting, but didn't think the discussion was appropriate.  "It is an important step for the Gay community that needed to be taken," he said, but "I don't really think it has a place in school." Cohen said most students respected their peers' opinions during the exchange on marriage. "I'm glad nobody got extremely aggravated," she said. "It's nice to know people in your school you don't think would support other ways of thinking [were] there." The days leading up to Wednesday's activity weren't so calm. PRISM advertised the meeting with fliers and during regular school announcements over the school intercom. Some of the fliers were torn down and ripped up. Students posted so-called "straight pride" fliers, which showed two connecting male symbols and two connecting female symbols that were crossed out. Throughout the week, there were rumors that PRISM members would be harmed following the meeting. The school's police officer was on hand throughout the session, and there were no incidents.

    2003 The Royal Court held it’s 28th annual Coronation with Bobby Childers and Agnes of Cheesecake stepping down. The new officers were The Incarnation of the Panther Molded by the Majestic Fire To Be The Only Charismatic Onyx Emperor Emperor XXVIII Mark Thrash and The Electrifying Ruby Red Lips & Whips Empress Empress XXVIII Heidi Ho West Waters. Prince Royale XXVIII and Princess Royale XXVIII was Krystyna Shaylee

    2003 BEN WILLIAMS  Subject Salt Lake City’s Bath Houses-4 December 1986-Thursday Salt Lake City’s two bath houses, Club 14 and Jeff’s Gym (Club Baths) received notice from the Salt Lake City attorney, Roger Cutler, requesting that they cease doing business or face legal prosecution. “SLC believes each business constitutes a brothel as a place of lewdness assignation or prostitution.”  Bruce Baird, assistant city attorney handled the case.  Michael Morris manager of Jeff’s Gym. Monte Pease manager of Club 14 owned by Leo Bush. (Triangle Magazine Editor-Scott Dunn Vol. 2 Issue 1:January 1987) 9 January 1987-Friday-3rd District Judge Raymond Uno heard arguments whether should Gay bath houses be allowed to remain in business. Bruce Baird attorney for SLC stated “the mere existence of
    Bruce Baird
     these nuisances constitutes a nuisance to the public at large.”  Because the private rooms violate sodomy statutes and laws against lewdness, Baird made the city’s case with the assumption that homosexual activity was always illegal. Club attorney Jerome Mooney asked police whether arrests for public sex weren’t also made in other areas of the city. The response was that one arrest per week at Liberty Park was not uncommon and the lists of illegal sexual activity occurring there and in Sugarhouse Park would probably each be longer than the list of sex acts observed by vice officers in Jeff’s Gym. The witness also reported having made similar arrests at ZCMI, Crossroads Malls and Sears. Dr. Harry Gibbons, director of 
    Club 14
    Salt Lake City-County Health Department testified that bath houses allowed for a significantly greater number of sexual contacts than other meeting places which encouraged the spread of diseases. Dr. Patty Reagan of Salt Lake AIDS Foundation testified that education is the solution to AIDS and suggested that the baths served as an environment for conveying that information. Baird told The Triangle Magazine that the recent concern about heterosexual transmission of AIDS may have been the spark that moved the city to close the bath houses 11 years after Jeff Gym opened and five years into the AIDS epidemic.  Mooney stated, “Why the city wants to put Gay men back into the parks and bars  ‘where they belong’ I don’t know. (Triangle Magazine Editor-Scott Dunn Vol. 2 Issue 2: February 1987)
    •  Bruce Baird is a weenie.  It is interesting that 14 managed to stay open. Wasn't Jeff's Gay-owned? It might have been better if Leo's establishment had been the one that got shut down. Did you know that Leo's grouchy hetero son works there now? He's like 18 or something, but even as a small child he would sometimes accompany Leo when he came in to do bookkeeping at Club 14. That is one weird family. Last night I was thinking it would be fun to write something about this, but I wonder if anything could be written about it. It's, after all, very old news.  Fun Facts About 14th Street Gym Most 14th Street Gym employees do not get paid. I worked at Club 14 when I was 16 years old, living in side, and it saved me from being a homeless Gay teen. My feelings about Leo and the establishment are therefore mixed. If you must go there, it's best not to go when Leo's grouchy hetero son is in charge of controls, since he tends to enhance the experience with little touches like setting the steam room light dimmer at full, 100-Watt illumination, while keeping the hot tub thermostat at a tepid 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Tony once assured me that he cleans that steamroom "at least twice a month". Even on those happy occasions, however, he does not use bleach. "14th Street Gym" is something of a misnomer: 1400 West is not a through street in that area. "Second Street Gym" would be a better name.  Even people who have never been to the 14th Street Gym sometimes manage to contract STDs. Where Are They Now? Michael Morris, former manager of Jeff's Gym, lives in Oakland; last year he dumped Greg Garcia, moved out of the lovely Guerneville property, and set up house with a brand new boyfriend. (Poor Greg had his leg amputated below the knee because of a motorcycle accident in Portland a few years back.) Bruce Baird, perennial weenie, works for the City Weekly, keeping up the pretense that the publication is not homophobic.  The glass gazebo that once enclosed the jacuzzi at Jeff's Gym now serves as a garden greenhouse in the backyard of an avenues residence which is listed in the Utah Historical Register.  Leo Bush continues to operate the family business, occasionally dodging projectiles shot from the BB gun belonging to the disgruntled owner of the neighboring bar. 
    • Ben Williams wrote: City Attorny Roger Cutler (the LDS J Edgar Hoover of SLC who I am convinced kept his job for knowing the dirt on everyone), finally after more than twenty years is no longer working for the city. Someone needs to do a story on this man who probably has done more to oppose the Gay community by nature of his office then any other single individual. Ralph Goff, a former editor of the Triangle, is currently employed at Club 14 (at least last Summer he was. He certainly would be a good source for information for an article. Bobby Smith, founder of the old Utah Stonewall Library, and community activist also use to work for Leo. I know shortly after this incident in 1987 the club took out all its rooms and partitions and became a "Gay Man's Juice Bar". I believe that is how Club 14 saved itself. I use to distribute the Triangle there, post AIDS education posters, as well as other community events. The Club 14 was back then as popular after hours as any of the bars. Jeff Gym however closed without a fight because it was part of a national chain, whose owners were closing bathhouses due to legal opposition by city officials using the issues of public health rather than public nuisances to shut them down.  I believe there was a TV news soundbite (probably Fox) about thedisgruntled neighbors of the Club. If you ask me they should be disgruntled for chosing to live in that blighted industrial area. LOL I really would like you to write some of your memories of the club. Often the sexual nature of our history is often disgarded in the attempt to be "legitimized" by the straight world. The whore houses owned by the LDS Church on Regent Street are as much their history as crossing over in hand carts! LOL Ben
    Brandon Burt
    2003 BRANDON BURT Dear Ben, I read your article "Why the Utah Stonewall Historical Society Capitalizes 'Gay'". As I understand the rationale, treating the word "Gay" as a proper noun is an acknowledgement of our status as an identifiable culture spanning race, class, and national divisions. I didn't mean to sound skeptical or argumentative last night when you mentioned this issue. As I said, the USHS is of course entitled to set whatever style guidelines it wishes. This particular one seems reasonable in light of the CHF's position paper, if only to honor the Committee's courage during the early part of the modern movement. I also recognize that the USHS is under no obligation to give a rat's ass whether I personally approve of its style guidelines or not. As a writer, I tend to enjoy debating the merits of various guidelines, With a view toward promoting consistency in usage. This has sometimes led to misunderstandings in cases where usage intersects with identity politics. When this happens, such arguments stop being interesting and end up turning into ego-wars. Again, I hope you did not misinterpret my statements last night; it was not my intention to criticize, quarrel, or start a pissing match. I do know how important it is for us as a people to know our history and to have our culture. (I am not an assimilationist; if anything I'm a Gay Supremacist, LOL). Now I wish the City Weekly would capitalize "Gay", but I don't think there's much hope in convincing the ed board how important this is. I do feel there is a strange kind of homophobia rampant there, although the Weekly tries to position itself as a Gay-friendly publication. It might take a while for me to get used to using "Gay" -- I've been Using AP style for so long, it might be a hard habit to break. But if at some point I do end up submitting any material to the Society, I will do my best to adhere to its guidelines. Sincerely, Brandon
    • Ben Williams to Brandon Burt Dear Brandon, For intellectuals, as yourself, it's essential that you debate a topic. I never think of it as being combative. God knows I like a good mind wrestling as well as others. I probably capitalize Gay to be in people's faces as much as using the proper adjective argument! LOL I hope you enjoyed the articles on Bruce Baird... I hope he has changed over the years. People do.  I think that Bill Frost is a homophobic perpetually adolescent male. The comments he makes sometimes in reference to Gay men I wouldn't expect from the Deseret News. And was that suppose to be clever about semen being icky? Is that anti male sex or what? That guy can't even like his own body fluids? What if a woman wrote that her menses were icky? I wrote a scathing letter to them a few years ago over the Club Blue -Phil Jacobsen article. Another perpetually adolescent male.It's nice to know that the "straight" world has their Peter Pans and lost boys too! Ben
    • BRANDON BURT How funny; now that you posted my email to the group everybody's going To think I totally freaked out and got huffy over a capitalization dispute LOL.I think I'll cultivate the reputation of being a punctuation Nazi. The other thing I wanted to say about that is it's hard enough convincing people that an apostrophe doesn't mean "Look out! Here comes an 's'!" getting them to remember to capitalize "Gay" might be an uphill battle. Yeah, I really don't want to think about Bill Frost's body fluids, but I know what you mean. I didn't read his column, but talking about semen being "icky" is more of that tiresome sex-negative bullshit. We are conditioned to think of all body fluids as being icky, though, so maybe he's just being consistent. Blood: connotes danger on all kinds of levels. Icky in slaughter houses And in slasher movies. Sweat: attractive and sexy, especially when fresh; possibly icky after some time has elapsed. Tears: Not so icky in themselves, but in a relationship tears are often a bad sign. Saliva: Unique in that its ickiness is entirely dependent on how one Feels about the glandular host. Mucus: Truly icky. Always. Bile: Icky, but fortunately rarely visible to others. Urine: Not as icky as people think. It's sterile in a healthy individual, and it's mostly water anyway. Of course, if this taboo didn't exist, there would be no point to water sports. Feces: icky, icky, icky. Vomit: see above. Pus: ditto. Ear wax: really quite icky. Semen: Associated exclusively with sex. Magically powerful. Mostly  protein! Lymphatic fluid, spinal fluid, adrenaline, corticotropin, etc.: If you're dating a doctor, lucky you! I was going to mention a few weird things that happened at the Weekly that will have to wait for a later email. I will talk to you very soon!  Brandon
    • BEN WILLIAMS TO BRANDON BURT LOLOLOLOL I now know why I always liked you. You have a deliciously wicked sense of humor.  Take care Ben 
    2003 DAVID NELSON FIREARMS DEBATE PLANNED AT UTAH PRIDE CELEBRATION SALT LAKE CITY -- With the recent introduction of the new Utah “Safe Havens of Learning” ballot initiative to ban state concealed-firearm rights at schools, an unprecedented debate about firearms is planned to be included on June 8 as part of the annual state gay and lesbian Pride celebration. The debate will engage the ideas and information of gay political leader David Nelson and transgender university professor Barbara Nash.
    • DOMINIQUE STORNI David, Thank you SO much for including a positive trans story.
      Dominique Storni
       I'd like to point out that while many are fortunate like Maggie to have been able to keep her high profile, high paying job. The unfortunate truth that is for every Maggie, there are 10 jobless or underemployed transsexuals. I hope that as a GLBT community, we could help others find suitable employ so their transitions could be easier. Again, thank you. I didn't see that article and I loved it. Dominique
     2005 Lavender Tribe May 25 Deloris Topic: Past Lives- Deloris is an  accomplished medium and psychic. She will discuss past lives and their relevance in today’s world.

    2006 David LeRoy Frodsham 1963 ~ 2006 LAYTON - David Leroy Frodsham, 42, passed away, May 25, 2006, in the arms of his loving family. He was born December 31, 1963 in DenverColorado David graduated from Davis High School Class of 1982 where he was a student body officer. He received his Associates degree from Weber State University. He loved to travel and David loved his family and friends. He loved horses and rodeos. He was the president of the UGRA [Utah Gay Rodeo Association]. 

    2008 The 33rd Coronation was held with Alan Anderson and
    Add caption
     Shaneka stepping down. The new elected officers were The Only Authentic Cobalt Blue Diamond American Soldier Eagle Emperor, Emperor  XXXIII Tim Hile and the Only White Rose Fire Passion Goddess The Eternity Empress, Empress XXXIII Ashlee Vaughn. Prince Royale XXXIII was Chuck Whyte and Princess Royale XXIII was Stephen Bollinder. 

    Champagne Starr
    2010 Miss CW Contestant: Champagne Starr By City Weekly Staff My name is Champagne Starr, I live in Salt Lake City and have been doing drag for about 5 years. I enjoy performing at several local gay clubs including: Pure, Sound, Edge, Paper Moon and various Royal Court events. By day I am a regular guy with a full time job, and on the weekends I am Champagne, Drag Queen about town. I am the current reigning Miss Golden Spike Universe and the current reigning Miss Desert Star International. I love dancing, hanging out with friends, clothes and comfortable heels :) Want to know more about me? Just look up my name on Myspace or Facebook.

    2010 Nikki Steele has been a performer since the age of 15, with more than 12 years of
    Nikki Steele
     experience as a drag queen. She enjoys the glitz, glamour, and celebrity with being a drag queen; however, more importantly enjoys the creative outlet drag allows her. 
    In her early drag career, Nikki performed for many youth events throughout the Salt Lake Valley to benefit the GLBT youth, also making an appearance on the television show Ricki Lake. Since then she has performed at dance clubs such as Bricks, Axis, Sound, Pure, Fusion, and Karumba. Most recently, Nikki was awarded the title of Imperial Crown Princess IX of the Imperial Rainbow Court of Northern Utah, a non-profit organization whose main purpose is to raise funds for various organizations such as the Cancer Society, the Utah Aids Foundation, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

    Jesse Fruhwirth
    2010 Oscar winner writes of Utah queer activists for OUTIn Section: News Blog Posted By: Jesse Fruhwirth Salt Lake City Weekly  Utah's queer community is once again in a national spotlight after Oscar-winner Dustin Lance Black's piece in OUT magazine that he researched while in Utah pimping 8:The Mormon Proposition, a film that he narrated and was shown to sold-out audiences at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. I interviewed Black about his research. During that interview, the former writer for HBO's Big Love said Salt Lake City reminds him of San Francisco of old. "[Salt Lake City] reminds me a lot of the divide and passion that I found when I was reading about San Francisco in the late ’60s and early ’70s. ... San Francisco was traditionally a conservative area that was going through a sea of change." He researched that era while writing the screenplay for Milk, which earned him an Oscar. Featured in Black's OUT article, "Pillars of Salt," are activist and KRCL producer Troy Williams; media maven Princess Kennedy; 
    Princess Kennedy
    philanthropist Bruce Bastian; four members of the so-called "Gang of 5," Equality Utah exec director Brandie Balken, Utah Pride Center exec director Valerie Larabee, Jon Jepsen and Jim Dabakis; Utah's first gay state senator (now former senator) Scott McCoy and current legislators Ben McAdams and Chris Buttars; among clubs, Paper Moon, Trapp, and, as chosen by City Weekly readers, Utah's Best Gay Club, Jam, all got named dropped; local photog David Newkirk also got some OUT lovin'; among others. Black interviewed me--me!?--for his OUT article--yes, really, me!--shortly after I interviewed him for City Weekly, but the only reference I got was this: "When we got [to a Salt Lake City party], the place was filled with gay men and lesbians: a photographer, a journalist, a political aid—a lot of different occupations, but one overriding theme. Everyone there was young and attractive" (italics mine). I now choose to believe that a very hot Oscar winner thought I was young and hot. Hey, that's plenty mention for me!  If you never got around to reading The Nation magazine's take on Utah's queer politics, check their June 2009 article as well for lotsa more local names dropped. Headline: "What's Right With Utah." Final note: if you missed 8:The Mormon Proposition at Sundance, it will be released nationally June 18.

    2014 The 39th Coronation A Journey from Dark to Light, A Black and White Affair was held by the Royal Court of the Golden Spike Empire with Emperor 38th Alex Drake Florence and
    Empress Angela Dominguez stepping down. The event was held at the Red Lion Hotel at 161 West 600 South SLC. Nick Watts and Midori were elected Emperor 39 and Empress 39. 

    The Queen Mother of the International Imperial Court Council presented Equality Utah and Mayor Biskupski  with special awards on  3rd floor of City County Building.  The Mayor and Equality Utah received the Harvey Milk Civil Rights Award. The award is the oldest LGBTQ+ award,
    Nicole Murray Ramirez
    having been presented annually since 1979. The award was presented by Nicole Murray Ramirez, who serves as Director of the Imperial Court Council Canada-United States-Mexico and as a San Diego Human Rights Commissioner. The award was presented to the Mayor and Equality Utah for their work promoting equality and in recognition of Salt Lake City becoming the second city to honor Harvey Milk with a street naming, following San Diego. On April 19, 2016 the Salt Lake City Council voted unanimously to rename a portion of 900 South in honor of the assassinated LGBTQ rights activist, the street was officially dedicated on May 16, 2016. Salt Lake City also received an exact replica of the bust of Harvey Milk which is displayed in San Francisco’s City Hall. Mayor Biskupski and Salt Lake City Council Vice Chair Chris Wharton will present the group with a Salt Lake City Harvey Milk Blvd street sign. Following the ceremony, Mayor Biskupski hosted a small reception. About International Imperial Court Council and System: The International Imperial Court System is one of the oldest and largest LGBT organizations in the world. The Imperial Court System is a grassroots network of organizations that works to build community relationships for equality and raise monies for charitable causes through the production of annual Gala
    Coronation Balls that invite an unlimited audience of attendees to be presented at Royal Court in their fanciest attire throughout North America. The local chapter is known as The Royal Court of the Golden Spike Empire. About Equality Utah: Equality Utah was founded as Unity Utah in 2001 by a group of members of the Utah LGBTQ community with the goal of increasing the number of fair-minded elected officials holding office. In 2004 the mission of the organization was expanded to securing equal rights and protections for LGBTR Utahns and the families. For 17 years, Equality Utah has been instrumental in moving forward equality and fairness in Utah. It is the largest LGBTQ rights group in Utah.

    2018 Salt Lake Tribune By Taylor W. Anderson Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski receives award for her work on equality, including pushing to name 900 South after the LGBT leader Harvey Milk. Mayor Jackie Biskupski, among the state’s most prominent openly gay leaders, received a civil rights award for her work advancing equality. The International Imperial Court Council noted her work to make the city the second in the U.S. to name a portion of a street — 900 South — after San Francisco leader and gay pioneer Harvey Milk. In 2015, Biskupski became the first openly gay mayor elected in a major city in Utah’s history. She received the Harvey Milk Civil Rights Award at City Hall on Friday. Equality Utah Director Troy Williams also received the award on behalf of his organization.

    2018  On Friday, the Pride Center was honored to host Nicole Murray Ramirez, Queen Mother of the Americas in the Imperial Court System. We were so happy to host these delegates and loved the excitement and enthusiasm as they walked through our wonderful new Center. “HARVEY MILK’S SPIRIT LIVES HERE!” What an incredible honor! After seeing our new Pride Center, the Queen Mother of the Imperial Court - Nicole Murray Ramirez, surprised the Utah Pride Center  by presenting us with a most generous gift. Nicole lead the campaign to get Harvey Milk a US Postage stamp. On this poster are the ORIGINAL signatures of Anne Kronenberg (Harvey’s Campaign Manager), Stuart Milk (nephew of Harvey and co-founder of the Harvey Milk Foundation) Cleve Jones (LGBTQ Activist and friend of Harvey) and Daniel Nicoletta (photographer of the pic used on the stamp) We thank the Queen Mother and the members of the Imperial Court of the Golden Spike. — feeling blessed. Written by Robert Moolman 

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      This Day In Gay Utah History SEPTEMBER 6th September 6th Ogden Court House 1910  Land Set Free- This morning Judge Howell granted the moti...